By Avrilcoutts
My calla lily this year had far too many leaves - you could hardly see the flowers. It is now in the cellar resting over the winter period. What do I have to do to not have so many leaves?
31 Oct, 2011
I'd try feeding with a tomato feed in early summer. it promotes flower & fruit formation.
31 Oct, 2011
I would feed a lot less....Maybe not at all.
31 Oct, 2011
It sounds as if you might be feeding it a high nitrogen feed; this promotes leaf growth. Try something like half strength tomato feed, as Beattie suggests.
1 Nov, 2011
Thank you everybody for your valuable comments. I am not a very good feeder and probably gave the calla some geranium fertiliser when I was feeding my geraniums. I will definitely try the half-strength tomato feed next year.
1 Nov, 2011
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« my acer has developed a green growth on its branches HELP PLEASE
Did you feed it, and what with?
31 Oct, 2011