By Annieq
United Kingdom
My problem corner....Thanks everyone...advise has been great...especially the sea front that idea. I had thought about moving the stones from the bedding to that area...ummmmm..!!
31 Oct, 2011
Again Thank you every one for your help......I think it is just one of those problems, the more you look at the more lost you get !..I have plumbed for the seaside effect. I have actually tried to avoid this for a long while because I am seaside mad, I spend as much time as I can down in Dorset, my kitchen is decorated nautically..and I am teased constantly by my I thought if I do the garden in the same vain it will push DH and kids off the edge!...But the pull is too great and seaside is what it will be..(deep inside I am filled with relief and happyness!) So this weekend I will start (weather permitting) and I will enter my little problem as a blog and you can all shout at me when I do a bit wrong !
Thanks all again
P.S. Going for the fatsia and coloured pots....wonder if sea cabbage will grow ?
2 Nov, 2011
Annieg, if you want to way thanks, add your comments as an answer to your original question. Everyone who answered will then be notified, and we will all know what you are saying thank you for, if we have forgotten your question.
1 Nov, 2011