By Jennyh
United Kingdom
When should I plant out Allium bulbs or am I to late?
2 Nov, 2011
Plant out now - in fact is a good time as no frost. I just lifted loads to put in a new border.
2 Nov, 2011
Thanks guys, I think I will put them in at the weekend!
2 Nov, 2011
I did some last week - now is the ideal time
2 Nov, 2011
Are they better in a pot or in the garden?
2 Nov, 2011
I put mine in the garden. With most of them, the foliage starts to wither and look untidy just as the flowers start
2 Nov, 2011
As Andrewr says the foliage dies down as the flowers start appearing so you can put them in beside plants which will have foliage at the flowering periods stated on the packets.
9 Nov, 2011
Allium seedlings are transplanted as long as frost does not interfare upto december.If u can not do it in fall ,try to plant the seedlings as soon as snow allows in spring.
10 Dec, 2011
Previous question
I've got a pack to go in and it says to plant between October and December, so no, you're not too late.
2 Nov, 2011