By Portobello
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone , I am a very new member , I don't know a lot about gardening and this is my very first question so apologies if I sound rather silly ! I am living in a rented house and have taken my Hostas from my last garden and planted them in big pots. They have looked super all summer but now the frosts are coming I'm afraid I'm going to lose them. The pots are really heavy so moving in and out on a daily basis will not work (also the fact that I have nowhere to move them to) Shall I cover them or insulate them or will they not like that either ? This is probably such a basic question for all the experts out there but the good news is I will have my very own garden in January and I'm counting on you all for lots of help and advice. Many Thanks x
7 Nov, 2011
Hostas are hardy plants, and grow well in pots. The risk over winter is if its particularly harsh, with extreme cold, when the pots themselves might freeze solid. If the winter is reasonably mild that won't be a problem. If you can find somewhere to put the pots, say against a house wall, on paving and not soil, facing south, out of north and east winds, clustered all together, that will go some way to helping to protect them. You can also try bubblewrapping each pot to help insulate the compost and roots, and horticultural fleece over the lot, but the fleece must be removed during milder spells, if for no other reason than to dry it out.
7 Nov, 2011
So its more important to protect from below the pot than above ! I would never have thought of that in a million years !! Oh I have so much to learn and I think you are right ....... I am going to like it here.... Thankyou for the welcome x
7 Nov, 2011
I came back on to say Welcome to GoY...
7 Nov, 2011
How sweet ! Why did it take me so long to pluck up the courage to ask a question ? How silly am I ? What a warm welcome x
7 Nov, 2011
Hello Portobello, Mine are in pots they came through the last winter with no protection at all, I sit the pots on bark chippings that's all.
Good luck with the move in January,
7 Nov, 2011
Thankyou Pimpernel , I will try a combination of bark chippings and putting them against the house wall I think .... any offers with help with the move in January will be greatly recieved !!! (just joking honest!)
7 Nov, 2011
... and a big welcome to GoY from me too. I've quite a few hostas in pots and I just leave them out on the patio over winter (south facing) and so far haven't lost any.
7 Nov, 2011
Im the same as sheilar, we both live up north and have hostas in pots, unprotected and they survive over winter :)
Welcome to GOY Portobello..
7 Nov, 2011
Welcome from me, too.
Thank you for asking this question, it has saved me the bother as I, too, have a fairly new hosta in a pot, and was wondering how to get it through cold times ahead....
7 Nov, 2011
Welcome from me too.
7 Nov, 2011
Thankyou everyone ..... all you have to do now is transform me into a gardener !! x
8 Nov, 2011
Previous question
« I have a small apple tree,in it's 2nd year. It has decided to blossom now!!!!...
Welcome to GoY! You'll like it here.
Hostas are pretty hardy. Set the pots on feet up off the ground and they should be ok. (polystyrene packaging is good, too, but not very pretty! )
There will be others who will tell you more.
7 Nov, 2011