By Afban
London, United Kingdom
Please can you identify this plant from my garden?
And here is another...I'm trying to get ontop of what's in my garden!
Please can you identify this plant from my garden? Also, are you able to tell me about any care instructions, flowering season and what I can expect from this plant? Thank you, Alison
- 22 Mar, 2009
It looks a bit like an Ajuga reptans, but I have never seen one quite like this. If it is it is a Griound Cover carpeting plant and shoiuld flower this spring. probably piurple.fls.
22 Mar, 2009
Could be Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecracker' - the plants grow to about 2' 6" then have yellow flowers. It spreads quite rapidly! Dies back at the end of the autumn, you cut off the stems and back it comes at this time of year - only more of it!
By the way, those little ones with the green leaves are celandines and need to be dug out or they'll take over the garden!
22 Mar, 2009
a good spot spritz, i'd not spotted it lurking there. I think firecracker is probably a better idea than mine.
22 Mar, 2009
not sure but it looks like a lyismachia atropurpurea. [check the spelling!] if it is it is an easy plant. will grow about 24-30" tall,dappled shade to full sun. it will die back every season and come again.
someone else might have a better suggestion.
22 Mar, 2009