By Sarahcollins
I would like to know if it is possible to buy crinodendron hookerianum in Canada. I live in Whitby, Ontario, which is on the north shore of Lake Ontario about 30 miles east of Toronto. Sarah Collins
8 Nov, 2011
You may find it difficult to keep alive, Sarah. Here, in the north of Scotland, we had a beauty growing for several years. Then we had two winters with temperatures of -15C and that killed it. I believe that -15C can be considered quite mild for an Ontario winter?
8 Nov, 2011
Agree with Bulbaholic. Friends of mine had a lovely bush growing against south facing wall (they called it their 'lantern' plant) but the last snow and severe cold in January this year killed it off completely - no sprouts from the base at all! If you are prepared for some serious tlc during the coldest months, you may keep it alive. As to where to get it from in the uk, try and ask if they can get one on order for you. If they can't, then ask them to email recommendations. They have always been extremely helpful with advice and info.
9 Nov, 2011
Um, the person asking the question is in Canada not the UK!
9 Nov, 2011
Sorry most of us on the site are UK based Sarah, have you tried a google search? Oh and welcome to GoY!
8 Nov, 2011