is the ranunculus a bulb?
I bought two plants from a farm stand with no info . How to care for them? are they annuals? HELP
On plant
Ranunculus asiaticus
22 Mar, 2009
thanks for the info. Right now they are on a sunny windowsill. Will let you know how they do.
22 Mar, 2009
You have to watch if you have mice in your garden cause they find them yummy!!! I have lost about 50 over the years!! And yes I have very fat mice !! :-)
22 Mar, 2009
I put some of these in a pot on the patio last year. They were a gift from my workpals, along with a multitude of other gardening paraphenalia. They didn't really do much last year, so really forgot about the pot, but this year there is loads of greenery already showing, about 3" tall already, the pot is in a shady spot, but I will be moving it out to catch the sun at the weekend. I am hoping for load of flowers this year...have to watch this space and see.
23 Mar, 2009
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They are a corm, they look like claws when the plant dies back. they are perennials though i rarely get them to survive for more than a couple of summers. plant them in a sunny spot or you can have them as a houseplant if you want. welcome to GoY by the way :o)
22 Mar, 2009