Maranddar's Profile

About me
Just moved home from a gorgeous cottage garden to an unworked claypit!!! I think I have my work cut out!!!
What I lack in knowledge I make up for with enthusiasm. I have fond memories of being forced to work in the garden of the family home when I was much younger, and making up any excuse to avoid I use any excuse to get outside,and like nothing better than an afternoon pottering. I think the pottering bit may be a while away, after the hard graft has been done, but I am looking forward to filling my new place with loads of colour and scent. I adore old fashioned plants like lupins and helebores, day lillies, sweet peas, lillies, poppies and peonies, and this year I plan to have a bash at vegetables...don't think I will much of a threat to Tesco's but hey, they are bound to taste better...if they produce anything!! I am looking forward to the summer, and getting some bedding in for instant colour, this blank canvas is depressing after my old place which was full of colours 10 months of the year. i hope to post pics as the garden developes. This is such a nice friendly place, i am so glad I joined, recommended by a lady I bought plants from on there you have it, the internet has it's uses after all!!!
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Joined in Mar 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Perthshire