By Noideaman
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi guys.
Firstly i want to thank everyone that replied to my last post,And i still don't know which way to go.Still thinking about it.Anyway i am in the progress of moving 6ft x 4ft shed to bottom right of garden opp raised beds,the side that can be seen from top of garden gets full sun from sunup to about 3 to 4pm.I have made a large planter that i want to place against sunny side of shed it is about 3ft 6ins wide 2ft 9ins deep and 3ft high,Could i use this for sme sort of climbing rose? if you think yes could you tell me what sort and how many.I would like to put lattise on shed above planter and hopfully cover (hide)shed,What do you guys think would it work if it could then what do i use to plant them in (compost?) and when.
Thats it guys thanks for any help given..I hope i am not becoming to be a pest I AM STILL NOIDEA MAN...Cheers.
8 Nov, 2011
Hello - you may find a rambler is quicker and easier to train over the shed. It will also respond to a hedge trimmer in future years, whereas the climbers need more secateur treatment. A 'hedge' trim immediately after first flush will bring a second flush. If you go for a climber, train as many of the branches horizontally along the shed wall and roof before you go to the next vertical, as this encourages more flower shoots - effectively giving it an 'espalier' treatment as it grows up the shed. It all depends on the 'look' you want - ramblers suggest a cottage garden, climbers are more 'suburban'! Suggest roses do better in the ground than in a pot - even if you can provide regular tonics, feeds etc. Recommend only one for your pot if you do this and feed weekly. Compost is a standard rose, tree and shrub compost from your local garden centre. A good dose of potassium during the growing season and mulch in the autumn/winter will also work wonders.
8 Nov, 2011
PS: Sorry ... missed one question from you ... any time now is a good time to buy roses, while ground is not frozen, depending on where you live! - mix some bonemeal in the hole/compost before you plant and water in.
8 Nov, 2011
Hi Avkq47.
thanks for you help on this post,It all sounds as if i may achieve my aim on this one.But i think i need to say i am NOT using POT it is a large wooden planter i have made(No bottom) that is same colour as shed, It is about 3ft wide 2ft 9ins deep and 3ft high it will be filled with whatever is best for roses...Cheers John..
8 Nov, 2011
Can I ask if the rose roots will be able to penetrate into open soil beneath your raised bed? If so, then you can choose a rose. If that's not possible, then less than 3 feet of soil is not anywhere near sufficient for a rose, particularly not a rambler or climber.
9 Nov, 2011
Agree with Bamboo, and glad you said your planter was open at the bottom - suggest, if not thought of already, you loosen up compacted soil before putting planter on top. The inside top of your planter can be used to contain a couple of inches of mulch at the rose base?!
11 Nov, 2011
Hi no idea man, hope you are still around and enjoying being a gardener and your grandkids playtimes in the garden. A lot of people pop up on GoY and then disapear. Anyway I wish u well.
12 Aug, 2013
I think this would work. The sunny side of the shed would be a good place for a supported climbing rose.
Others here will be able to advise you on suitable varieties of climbers. I'm not good on roses.
Good luck with it!
8 Nov, 2011