By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have a Hosta in a pot that has died down.. I have just cut it back do I have to protect it for winter or will it be ok just left. Thankyou :)
9 Nov, 2011
I keep my pots of hostas in a cold greenhouse over the winter
9 Nov, 2011
Hostas in my experience need no protection ,i have them in pots and planted in the garden and they have shown no sign of damage after two very severe Scottish winters.
9 Nov, 2011
I just leave mine out all winter and have done for years - they always survive
9 Nov, 2011
I've grown Hosta's in large pots for years. I leave them out all winter, they die down in the winter. I turn it out of the pot, quarter it with a spade and re-pot them. Last year I inadvertently left one directly under a run-off rain gutter under my porch. It was constantly waterlogged but came up again in the spring.
9 Nov, 2011
Thankyou for all your comments..helpful as always :)Myron,so to make more Hostas I can do this now..could I just halve it?
10 Nov, 2011
You can divide them any time of year.
10 Nov, 2011
Thankyou :)
10 Nov, 2011
Hostas are tough as old boots. I grow about 200 a year on my nursery and they're left to their own devices in 5 inch pots outside over winter in quite an exposed spot. I've never had any losses.
10 Nov, 2011
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Should be ok if you move it to a sheltered spot and make sure the pot is standing on some pot feet to keep it off the ground. Mine have always done ok like that.
9 Nov, 2011