By Venicegirl
United States
Would like info on montecasino plants - anyone know where I can purchase this plant - not cut flowers?
9 Nov, 2011
Avkg - Venicegirl is asking where she can buy in the States - the info you are offering is not what she needs and does not help her. Welcome to GoY VeniceG and I hope someone can tell you where to buy in Florida.
9 Nov, 2011
The plants you call montecasino are just a variety of Aster, so what you should be looking for is Aster 'montecasino'. Again, I can't help with suppliers in the States though, sorry.
10 Nov, 2011
So sorry ... missed the united states bit of the question ... though michaelmas daisies are asters!! Thank you for the severe correction Moon Growe
10 Nov, 2011
Well taken, Avkg47 (sure that's not AK47, lol) - and I wasn't meaning to suggest michaelmas daises were not asters. Personally, I loathe the blasted things...
10 Nov, 2011
Me too! And no severe correction but it is important to not only read the question properly but look at where the GoY'er lives...
10 Nov, 2011
Thank you both! I have been so delighted with stuff I've learned off this site, I guess I am in too much of a hurry to try and give something back to you all. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't learn something new about plants and people ... it's wonderful!
11 Nov, 2011
Glad you're enjoying it... and finding it useful.
11 Nov, 2011
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Hello ... I believe Monte Cassino plant you are asking about is also known as the typical English Michaelmas Daisy, which I believe came over to the UK after the Second World War, originating from Monte Cassino, in Italy, from one of the War's worst spots. Perhaps spotted by a soldier and brought home??? They tend to grow in lovely circular bunches and flower late in the summer/early autumn here. Cut it down when all top growth has died and new sprouts are showing at the base. Sugest UK based sellers no longer selling at this time as plants will have died down now. Best time to look for deliveries of root/plants in the UK is early spring for a flower display in late summer. Hope this helps.
9 Nov, 2011