By Sidi
United Kingdom
how long do pepino solanum take to ripen.
9 Nov, 2011
I'm not sure that the fruit will ripen properly in the UK. It is unlikely to survive outside overwinter if the temperatures drops below -2˚C for any length of time.
10 Nov, 2011
Take care with sites such as Wikipedia not always correct information.
10 Nov, 2011
GoY member "Wasp" will know everything you need to know I am sure. He is awesome on the subject.
10 Nov, 2011
Agree with drc726 above, however on this occasion the info seems okay, but feel free to research further! All I know is that it can take many months for this 'tomato' like plant to mature. If frosts etc threaten then try picking what you have and putting them in a dark drawer cosily lined with newspaper or kitchen roll? It might be worth a try rather than losing unripened fruits at this time of year?! See what member 'wasp' says too ...
10 Nov, 2011
Sorry can't help ... check out wikipedia for info on growing and cultivating
9 Nov, 2011