United Kingdom
we are getting chickens in near future bit worried as we sprayed weed killer in some of area where we intend to put them will it be safe for them...?
10 Nov, 2011
And how long ago ?
10 Nov, 2011
if it was a while ago id dig it all over before you get them so you put any weed killer a foot down or so . maybe water it well before hand to dilute any residual weed down a lot then dig it over . get one chicken at first and see how that goes .
10 Nov, 2011
I wouldn't let the chickens eat the plants/weeds with weedkiller on. And don't 'get one chicken' as they are very miserable unless they have at least one friend. Most chicken sellers won't sell just one anyway.
11 Nov, 2011
i ment just for a little while so you dont lose lots of them at once . i used to work rearing chickens bye the 100`s of thousands . definatly dont feed them weed killer on the plants lol .
12 Nov, 2011
Which weedkiller was it?
10 Nov, 2011