Why does my camellia fail to produce flowers?
By Wilson1941
United Kingdom
I have this shrub for 5/6 years and it has only flowered on one occasion.It looks perfectly healthy and has new leaf growth every year.
On plant
alba simplex
24 Mar, 2009
It could be dry at the root. Camellias need a moist soil to encourage flower buds to form for the following year. After the hot, dry summer of 2006, my camellias did very poorly the following spring but the past two years, they have been covered in flowers
24 Mar, 2009
24 Mar, 2009
Another point for camellias is that they do not like being planted in a location that catches the first rays of the sun when droplets are still on the leaves and flowers. These become magnifying lenses and leave brown burn spots......
25 Mar, 2009
thats why you dont water plants in the sun light to
25 Mar, 2009
Previous question
i suspect that a lot of the plants are either from another country or in a stronger form in the wild .my tropical fish dont all breed as a tank will never be natural enough though there all very healthy and happy.there may be ways you can force flowering .
24 Mar, 2009