By Gattina
Is anyone a fan of "River Cottage"? Can you remember what the favourite tomato was in the taste tests they did? All I remember is that it was a red variety, and I think it had "sweet" in the name. My memory has gone walkabout. Again.
18 Nov, 2011
Mmmm, already had a quick scan through the website, but nothing specific seems to be in there. Maybe I just need to look longer and harder.!
18 Nov, 2011
just googled river cottage taste comes up with the best as can prob get them from,, says :o)
18 Nov, 2011
Back in France I used to grow a tomato called 'Sweet' every year. It is delicious and aptly named...but it is very small (and prolific!)...or was for me! :)
18 Nov, 2011
Hi KF,I grew some in 3 hanging baskets this year..not sure of the name now..hundreds of toms on them all summer..but they were so tiny was not worth picking them..:o)
18 Nov, 2011
Hi Joanella, I always have mine in the ground and staked. They are so nice I have them every year. Mine get to be about 2cms diametre (diameter?). Maybe a climate difference? :)
18 Nov, 2011
I did have a good crop from other was just the hanging basket ones that were no wont bother with those again..I am sure the climate must make a big difference to yours....sadly we dont get Summer's any
18 Nov, 2011
The best, sweetest most tastiest tomato I have ever planted and cropped (not basket or trailing type) is FERLINE ... absolutely yummy. Grow from seed.
18 Nov, 2011
Thank you, everybody. I'd never heard of Ferline before, Avkq, but I came across it when I was trawling T&M's website before I posted the question. I might try that one. I have grown various tiny cherry tomatoes and they all seem to fall off the vine all too easily and get lost in the undergrowth! I grew Sungold this year, and was a bit disappointed - thick skinned and not as sweet as I'd hoped. Maybe it was our very long, scorchingly hot summer that made the difference.
18 Nov, 2011
The Po valley ... very hot and humid, no air, in the summer months ... recommend you keep your plants well spaced apart. If they are in pots - keep the bases out of direct light or they will tend to 'cook'. Light and warmth, not heat, is the answer. Keep moist but avoid over-watering as the tomatoes will then drop off early and/or split. Under-watering will also cause drop-off! I have an aunt in Bologna I used to visit regularly ... hope the ferline work as well for you as they have done for me in UK midlands last two years with our warmer summers? They are very very yummy and excellent for pasta sauces.
18 Nov, 2011
Ah, Avkq, sorry to be awkward, but we don't live anywhere near the Po valley. Deliberately. Unbelievably awful place. We are lucky and have plenty of lovely dry air - there's always a little breeze up here in the mountains (1,600') in Summer, and we have half an acre of garden, so nothing is grown in pots. Unfortunately, even up here, we don't have any choice between "heat" and "warmth": even in the shade, during July, August, and quite often either side of those two months, the temperatures reach, and stay in the high thirties to mid-forties. We water very regularly, evening and morning in the hottest season. We grow the wonderful San Marzano tomatoes, as do all the locals, for passata and pasta sauces. What I really was after was a tender, sweet but slightly acid salad tomato. Do you think Ferline is still the one to go for?
18 Nov, 2011
Hello, ferline is not acid in taste ... I use it in salads to add sweetness to any of the more bitter or peppery rocket and purple salad leaves (name escapes me!). What I think you are after is a sweetish tomato with a sharp or strong flavour to spice up ordinary lettuce, or to use in sauces etc? If so, then ferline is not what you want. The only one I know of that does good sauces etc, with a stronger sharper flavour, is the Roma. I haven't tried it yet, but use the ferline with a bit of wine vinegar instead. I may give the Roma a go next season.
19 Nov, 2011
hi Avkq47..been going through my seeds today..I came across a packet of tom seeds..they were Ferline..couldnt believe it, i must have bought them in summer..too late to plant i will be trying them out next year..just thought it was odd as we were talking about them yesterday..:o)
19 Nov, 2011
excuse my ignorance but know disrespect i thaught all tomatoes were the red veriaty . that being said i thaught all cherries were red till my one grew yellow ones . im presuming the tomatoes are like peppers and come in yellow . im not called nosey for nothing lol .
20 Nov, 2011
Some are red, some are yellow, Nosey! This year I sowed three different types of seed, and then at the planting out I muddled them up. When the fruit appeared, I forgot I had Jonagold in there, and couldn't understand why some of my tomatoes weren't going red. It took a week or so for the penny to drop. That's what old age does for you!
20 Nov, 2011
lol gattina i see . do the yellow ones taste much different then ? xx
20 Nov, 2011
20 Nov, 2011
ow so like peppers and cherries its just a colour thing which is nice in the right food xx .
21 Nov, 2011
Hi Gattina, I am a fan & watch it whenever it is on you, I cant remember the name may find it on their website..i am sure it will be on it somewhere..:o)
18 Nov, 2011