By Veggiemama
United Kingdom
First ever question on any gardening site for me.
I have an unheated greenhouse which has just been cleared of tomatoes, peppers, aubergines etc and wondered if anyone had any suggestions what to grow next? There is electricity in the greenhouse so it is possible that it might be heated during the winter if needed. Many thanks for any answers.
18 Nov, 2011
At this time of year I would suggest the following, which can be bought in seed packets ... land cress, pak choi, winter density lettuce, rocket, winter hardy spring onion, winter radish. All these can be sown now, and either sown directly into your veg plot for early cropping in spring, or grown in pots in your greenhouse. Beware the current mild weather, and give lots of ventilation. Keep soil only very slightly moist to avoid rot, mosses etc. You could even try a deep tub of carrots, parsnips and some early potatoes - it all depends on your space, as trays won't work. I have carrots in a tub, and a bin of parsnips and potatoes coming up every year at this time. Cold weather stops them for a while but they always seem to come through it. Garlic and onion sets should be planted out immediately for harvesting next summer. Suggest starting peas and beans next spring before planting out.
18 Nov, 2011
Many thanks for the information and the welcome.
18 Nov, 2011
Welcome to GoY.
18 Nov, 2011
Hi, Veggiemama - great name- welcome to GoY!
Salad leaves, lettuce, winter spinach, radish, parsley? You could start beans and peas for planting out later.
Others will have suggestions, too.
18 Nov, 2011