By Daisyc
My plants think it's spring!
I'm new to gardening and need some advice. My plants seen to think it's spring, presumably because of the unusual weather over summer and autumn. I have muscari armenicum, viola labridorica and chanomeles all flowering now and various perennials, such as asters, sedums and salvias putting up fresh shoots. Will the new shoots be vunerable frost damage, if damaged will they grow again in spring, what can I do to protect them? Will the flowering plants flower again in spring? Any advice appreciated.
19 Nov, 2011
just keep your fingers crossed realy as said .
20 Nov, 2011
for the lower stuff like bulbs you could just collect some of your leaves and put them ontop as mother nature does .just a thaught .
20 Nov, 2011
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This is happening throughout the country. Even in the far north here my bulbs are showing and the muscari is up 4 inches. I'm not sure there's much that can be done. Bulbs are tough, however and they do usually sort themselves out. As for the perennials, I think a sudden or prolonged frost might knock back the tender new growth, unfortunately. But many perennials are also tough, so we just hope they can recover. Not much we can do about the weather.
19 Nov, 2011