By Milliemills
United Kingdom
Hi All - well it's a beautiful day here in south west Wales and I've been very inspired to work in the garden following a rather long spell of not doing anything in it! The pampas grass's are looking particularly straggly and overgrown - does anyone know if I can cut them down to the ground now in the hope that they will return in a less unruly manner next year ......
Many thanks
19 Nov, 2011
No, don't do it now - get out there in late March and hack it back to a central stump, removing all growth, including flowered stems, then rake out the centre at the top to get rid of any rubbish in there. It'll recover and grow away again - repeat the following year.
NB - wear protective clothing on your arms, safety goggles and gloves that cover your wrists, the leaves are capable of tearing skin...
19 Nov, 2011
if you have room and not to close to neighbers youl upset you can burn them down at the time bamboo sais .
20 Nov, 2011
Hey, thanks for the replies. I will look at the replies to the question pointed out by Ojibway, and Beattie I will def. follow your advice on this one. Now then Noseypotter, I have a real problem with burning because of the immense amount of wildlife that it would kill - I do have a passion about this, consequently gardening can take hours! but thanks for taking the time to reply. :)
20 Nov, 2011
your welcome then you just got to see bamboos answer xx .
20 Nov, 2011
Erm, I take it when you say you will def. follow Beattie's advice, you actually mean mine, milliemills, as Beattie has not responded here!
20 Nov, 2011
oops, sorry Bamboo! I did of course mean your goodself. Thanks again for your help and aswering my daft questions - it is really useful. x
21 Nov, 2011
its not a daft question if you dont know the answer millie x .
21 Nov, 2011
Never a truer phrase was spoke, Noseypotter...
21 Nov, 2011
we all got to start somewear to bamboo x .
21 Nov, 2011
Sorry, can't help directly but there was a similar question posted on here on October 9 from another GoYer. There were lots of comments to that post. Worth a look?
19 Nov, 2011