By Tabtiha
United Kingdom
3 weks after planting my violas are covered with black spot on the leaves and the heads have seeded themselves. Could this have been something from the nursery?
20 Nov, 2011
This happened to my Violas very badly last Autumn. I sprayed them but with no real effect. This year I went back to the bigger Pansy as I find they dont seem to be affected.
20 Nov, 2011
My violas in the garden often do that, I just give them a deadheading and trim and the new growth usually comes back ok.
20 Nov, 2011
now I did just the opposite Drc!, mine are fine at the moment but I think its a fungus as they just rot off if it attacks them when young
20 Nov, 2011
Regularly deadheading the spent flowers encourages new ones to flower and stops the plant setting seed. The black spot may have come in with them, but it would be difficult to tell. It's more likely to be down to this moist mild weather we are having. You could spray them for black spot.
20 Nov, 2011