By Dianebulley
United Kingdom
Help ! I struggled to stick the Bubble Wrap up in my greenhouse with parcel tape. Guess what, as soon as the metalwork got damp with condensation - it fell orf.
How did Monty Don fix his up ?
All I can think of is to fit some Runner Bean canes across the greenhouse, and clip the Bubble Wrap on with clothes pegs.
20 Nov, 2011
Diane get some good quality waterproof double sided tape and make sure the frame is clean I did mine this way last and this year and it worked well you can also get special clips for this job from eBay
20 Nov, 2011
He used strong duct tape - he certainly said it is worth buying the expensive stiff to save you going out to pick fallen down pieces every morning.
20 Nov, 2011
Good garden centres sell a green-tinted, heavy duty outdoor tape that will do the trick.
20 Nov, 2011
Diane you can get very thin wire, it will thread through the wrap, I use it for my green shade netting in summer, I fasten it around the bolts and framework and have in the past used it for bubblewrap, it doesn`t sag like some strings do...
20 Nov, 2011
I used thin garden wire strung across and then paper clips through the bubble and wrap hung on the wire, bag tie wires also worked for me last year. Its the 'shower curtain' approach! which means you can remove the bubble wrap without removing the wire.
20 Nov, 2011
I have also insulated my small greehouse with bubble wrap...I just put some longish canes in the ground and hung it over that.
20 Nov, 2011
Thats it Denise, anything to save time and extra work, in the winter months I roll my shading nets onto canes and they are tied onto the wire, they hang in the top of my greenhouse, been up there for years, just unroll each side when needed, the end shade is slid to the side on its wire, as you say its like a curtain... I only use bubblewrap over my door as I use the covers from my mini greenhouses now if and when needed....
20 Nov, 2011
Diane..i have just bubblewrapped most Garden centres they sell little plastic clips for this a little "T" peg..they slot into the framework of g/house & you twist them round..depends on wether you want to spend money or just hang it up as all have said on here...I think they were £3 for 50..just another option for you..:o)
20 Nov, 2011
Joanella, you got there first! Yes, those little clips are easy to use and you can keep them from year to year.
20 Nov, 2011
Thank you everyone. I got in a muddle with the double sided carpet tape, it curled round and stuck together, but was useful to fix the canes together ! So I think
Rogi and Lincs Lass sent the best advice. Its up now, and the greenhouse feels warmer already.
24 Nov, 2011
Diane, you didn't see Monty Don's after it got wet with condensation!
Your garden cane idea sounds as good as any except that I would have suggested strings across the greenhouse.
20 Nov, 2011