By Ron612
United Kingdom
We have had regular reinfestations of white fly. We have treated with a commercial bug clear and fairy liquid and water. Plants affected were cabbage, swede, golden raddish and broad beans. Help - any advice?
21 Nov, 2011
Are you growing these in a greenhouse? Could it be cabbage root fly? Not heard of whitefly infesting swede or raddish before, but the root fly does. Try spring/winter cabbage, winter swede and winter raddish instead? Cabbage root fly prevalent april-august, and there are traps available to catch the flies. Not sure about broad beans, but all the others will grow outside of greenhouse. Broad beans may be infected by something different, such as bean seed flies - similar in having a fly and a maggot that eats the roots. Anyone else ...?
21 Nov, 2011
Whitefly can and do get into the leaves of swede and turnip.
22 Nov, 2011
Ok moon growe and thanks - just whitefly does not appear on any of my lists of problems with swede and raddish, but root fly does. Perhaps my info needs updating!!?
22 Nov, 2011
Thank you to all who responded
22 Nov, 2011
White fly sit around in the leaves of root veg. personally I simply ignore them. Pretty soon they will all pop their clogs when the weather changes to winter.
22 Nov, 2011
Id be looking to the underside of leaves as this is where they lay their eggs!! if you can get rid of those you can try to controll them. How about covering the plants with clotches or fleece?? as M.g said the frost will kill the fly,s but the eggs might be a different matter.
22 Nov, 2011
Maggy by now the eggs are already there. You could try spraying with garlic solution which will deter the whitefly realistically though they don't do any real harm just nuisance.
22 Nov, 2011
We have seen the fly on the underside of the leaves of all the plants I mentioned. The golden raddish were in a cold frame and brodbeans were under nets (this following an earlier problem of them being uprooted by something) Interested that Moon.grow says to ignore as no real damage as on all our plants the leaves are very badly eaten.
23 Nov, 2011
Do they eat the leaves? I always assumed that they're sap suckers........
I have a mild problem with them on some rare Lobelia (L.excelsa and laxiflora) but have no chunks missing, lust mild yellowing of the leaves where they were/are.
23 Nov, 2011
So far as I know whitefly do not eat the leaves - as Meanie says they are sap suckers... Are you sure this is a whitefly infestation Ron?
23 Nov, 2011
My typing is atrocious - that should say "just mild", not "lust mild".
23 Nov, 2011
23 Nov, 2011
I am a bit baffled. The flies definitely look like white fly. There has been damage leaving leaves to yellow mainly on cabbage and swede all winter varieties but they are eating leaves and lots of them. Whilt they are hatching on the leaves a few are present in the soil surface. Heres hoping the frosts come to our rescue!!
23 Nov, 2011
I suspect you have two different problems. White fly and slugs/snails which will cheerfully consume any green matter. In both cases I would, personally, not fret too much, the coming winter will cause the sluggy guys to go dormant and kill off the while fly and any eggs will not hatch as too cold - unless your compost is very hot put the leaves of the veggies with white fly attack int oyour brown bin.
23 Nov, 2011
I think lots of people have had the same problem this year, as I was listening to our local radio station while eating my sun; lunch just this last sun; and someone rang in with the same problem !! that is why I said what I did ! as this was the same advice given!! but they more or less said its trial and error to get rid of outside, it is much easier to control in a greenhouse where we have had the problem, I dont suppose you could hang the yellow white fly catches outside could you??
23 Nov, 2011
Maggy the flies are dead or just about by now it is dealing with the eggs that is the challenge. Well no it isn't really on root vef. as the damage is minimal and you ar going to chop off the top of root veg :-)
23 Nov, 2011
thanks again
24 Nov, 2011
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Are the plants outdoors?
If so I would wait for the frosts to take care of them.
21 Nov, 2011