By Avkq47
United Kingdom
Hello! My fruit trees, all dwarf stock variety are already producing fruiting buds - no doubt the mild weather here in Worcestershire, which makes things easier for pruning. However, I usually prefer to prune late winter/early spring when sap is rising to reduce die-back in event of late hard frosts. Do I wait as usual, or do I prune now, or just do lifting, cross-overs etc now, and the spur pruning later as usual, when I would usually do both. Hope that all makes sense?!! Thank you.
21 Nov, 2011
Do as you always do, leave pruning until winter, on a warm day when you can enjoy doing it. Pruning now will only produce growth which will be damaged by frost
21 Nov, 2011
Thank you ... I will prune later as I have previously done - I was confused by the early fruit buds, which if they don't open I hope will be okay until February. If mild weather continues here and trees start to flower then I will be in touch again! Thank you for your replies - much appreciated.
21 Nov, 2011
id still stick to what you normaly do whatever ie very early spring as doctorbob sais . he is the man when it comes to gardening a true plantsman . i hope your well doc .
22 Nov, 2011
Well I stand corrected, that's the way I'll do it from now on. You learn something everyday.
22 Nov, 2011
sorry not trying to rain on your bonfire myron can we still be friends lol ?
22 Nov, 2011
Hi Leigh, I'm fine thanks. Glad to see you popping up again, hope you are well also. Any news on the mushrooms?
22 Nov, 2011
nice to see you to doc . im afraid i havnt herd or seen a thing still onwards and upwards and being so heavy, so individual and so strong there going to be around a long time . id guess there a thawn in the thiefs side . not to worry onwards and upwards .
22 Nov, 2011
I'm assuming by fruit trees you mean apple/pear?
If so, the pruning should be done when the tree is in dormancy, somewhere in between the tree shedding its leaves and before the new buds come on. This is usually done between about November and February/March. But in our topsy-turvy climate that we have been experiencing lately it's difficult to judge when this should be done. What I would do is prune it now. I don't think it matters too much if you prune the cross-overs now and spur prune later.
Hope this helps
21 Nov, 2011