By Tralamander
United Kingdom
What is this?
Fabaceae... and, well, looks like clover, but not necessarily. That red stripe! Ever seen anything like it?

22 Nov, 2011
Well! How interesting! I rather like it - maybe you have discovered a new plant in your garden...:-)
22 Nov, 2011
Oh, this is in a special pot of its own, being nurtured in the greenhouse.
...Spritzhenry, I'm beginning to agree!
23 Nov, 2011
I always thought it was some kind of oxalis, we have something very similar growing as a weed here, but maybe on closer examination it's more like a big version of black medick. When this awful peasouper clears and it's light enough to see, I'll go and have a closer look at any plants I've still got lurking in my rockery.
23 Nov, 2011
Very unusual. Regarding what it's called, it doesn't matter. If you have discovered a new plant, and that would be a fantastic discovery, it's what you want it to be. i.e. Fabaceae tralamanderii, etc, etc :o)
23 Nov, 2011
There are photos of Oxalis with a white stripe but I couldnt find a photo of a red one.
23 Nov, 2011
Growth, shape etc reminds me of a young aquilegia - just the leaf stripe that is not common. Let us know what happens when it flowers - any bets going ...?!!
23 Nov, 2011
It looks like kin to a Sweet Clover (Melilotus species)
24 Nov, 2011
Sorry..don't know, but it is pretty, don't get rid of it yet :))
22 Nov, 2011