lalandi trees and laurel trees
my laurel leaf is yellow and falling off they are not growing
and my lalandi leafs have turned black and brown and are also not growing both are around 3 years old ad about 3 foot hight they have never thrived
can anyone help please
26 Mar, 2009
There is a virus which is affecting leylandii but I suspect you have a different problem. What sort of soil do you have, aspect, water etc.?
27 Mar, 2009
yes definatly need more info realy darrag
28 Mar, 2009
that sounds worrying as the lalandi are conciderd a pest and need planning permissision to plant as they grow so well and laural is very hardy.something must of changed latley near you to do this.without knowing your situation its hard to tell but like i say doesnt sound good.
27 Mar, 2009