United Kingdom
I sowed Aqudulce Broad Beans the 1st week of November. With the very mild weather here in Devon they are already 30cm tall. Should I pinch them back to allow them to stand the Winter?
25 Nov, 2011
Gracious we can't even sow broad beans in autumn for the following spring the soil is too wet and cold.
25 Nov, 2011
Thanks Doc for the response. Our soil is exceptionally fertile - the garden of a 500 year old cottage. We have 4 ft depth of the most incredible soil which was manured every year with seaweed from the local beach. No stones at all, just thousands of sea shells!
It actually creates many problems for us in that everything we grow - vegetables and flowers gain the most incredible height.
Two years ago I planted a firm old favorite - Alderman Peas. They got up to 10ft in height instead of the usual 6ft.
Thanks again for your answer.
25 Nov, 2011
Trevor how lucky you are to have such fertile soil.
25 Nov, 2011
Your soil must be very fertile. Yes, pinch the tops out now and they will break giving you 2 or 3 heads to each plant. Hope that it remains mild this winter and you should get a good crop next year. They will need to be pinched out again when they are in full flower.
25 Nov, 2011