easy to care for red roses hybrids or climbers must be red
By Breezerchris
argyll and bute,
United Kingdom
Gardening is pretty new to me due to disabilitty
I would like to start a rose garden in memory of my dear
wife who died on boxing day ihave seen some in supermarkets but i dont know which to try they must be red
27 Mar, 2009
If you are new to growing roses I would stick to the more hardy and disease resistant types to start. The roses you see in Supermarkets are very often lower quality roses and being bare root, as Mageth says, you don't know how long they have been out of the ground. I would be more inclined to get your roses from a quality rose grower.
David Austin does have some lovely roses. His reds tend to be more on the crimson side than scarlet. William Shakespeare, Falstaff, Chianti and Tess of the d'Urbervilles are all lovely, disease resistant, hardy roses with strong fragrances.
If you are looking for a more scarlet rose then Double Knockout is an excellent shrub rose that is very easy to care for.
Climbers....There is an excellent red single rose climber called Altissimo which is recommended by the Canadian Rose society. Hywell was just talking about his Dorothy Perkins rose as being a lovely one.
Hope for Humanity is a very hardy modern shrub, deep red rose.
Double Delight is a lovely red and white blend rose. It is a Hybrid Tea. Red on the outer edges with a white centre. Stunning. Royal William is also a highly recommended HT of scarlet red.
Miniatures....Acey Duecy, Galaxy, Beauty Secret, Red Beauty all are easy to grow lovely reds...and for a really dark red there is Black Jade.
In my own Canadian garden the two reds I have are William Shakespeare - the David Austin or English Rose, and Cuthbert Grant - a Parkland series rose which is extremely hardy although the flowers are what I call "blousey".
It is all a matter of taste. If I were you I would get onto a rose grower's site and browse through all their photographs and see if there are some that take your fancy. When you see one that you like you can always google the variety name and find out if it is an easy to grow rose or one that requires more care, disease resistant or not etc.
28 Mar, 2009
Thanks once again for your prompt reply Gilli
i.ve looked at some of the roses you mention
some look quite stunning
My daughter has promised to take me to a garden centre
during the week i,ll take a note of the ones you mention
and see how i get on one other thing have you ever tried to to grow roses from seed
thanks again for you valuable help
28 Mar, 2009
I have tried from seed Chris.....It's not easy to get them to germinate...at least I haven't found it easy. I've got about 12 seeds sitting in pots at the moment but nothing showing yet. You have to stratify the seeds before planting. Mine were in the fridge for about 3 months. I've had more luck taking cuttings and air layering but of course, then you get a replica of the rose you take the cutting from. :o)
28 Mar, 2009
So sorry for your loss. A rose garden is a lovely idea. I would avoid buying bare rooted plants from supermarkets as you dont know how long they have been out of the ground. Better to buy on line but I expect this may be a bit more expensive for you as you may be classified as Highlands and islands. My favorite supplier is David Austin who give good advice. LD Braithwaite is a good red and very scented.They should do OK as you have the gulf stream to warm things up. Hope this helps.
28 Mar, 2009