Please could you remind me of the name of this plant?
By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
I know it belongs to the pea family and seem to remember that it ends with 'vernus' but I simply can't remember the rest! How frustrating... HELP!

27 Mar, 2009
Thank you very much! Now I will be able to sleep....
27 Mar, 2009
Is it the perennial Sweet Pea Spritz?
27 Mar, 2009
Lathyrus vernus, seeds like mad all over the place.Nice plant but tends to be invasive in my garden. Usefull for plant sales tables, though. Yes, it is a perennial sweet pea in shrub form.
28 Mar, 2009
Any chance of some seed from anyone? pretty please!
28 Mar, 2009
In a while, crocodile! Poor little plant has only just started flowering, Sbg!
No, and yes Janey, it's not the one that climbs all over the place - it's a plant that stays at a reasonable size! It comes in purple/mauve as well.
28 Mar, 2009
Sbg if you pm Bulbaholic or myself later in the year we can send you seed
28 Mar, 2009
thanks and spritz you have made me spend £2.50 on a red one that i saw on a plant stall in the local market. its a lincs grower that has supplied them too. You will have to stop showing all the lovely plants you have. might tell you what the other £20 went on and it wasnt food!
28 Mar, 2009
OK. No more photos! LOL. Give up - you have NO hope with a self-confessed plantaholic like me, Sbg. That sounds like a very good price to me. :-)
28 Mar, 2009
Does that mean I have to stop posting plant pictures as well?
28 Mar, 2009
no I just have to save my pennies for a rainy day, oh thats tomorrow :o)
28 Mar, 2009
The forecast is SOOOO much better for next week! No rainy days - so you'll be OK, Sbg - now please may I post more photos??
28 Mar, 2009
There are some lovely different colour of Lathyrus vernus.from dark purple to soft pink. There is also a variety with very feathery leaves.
30 Mar, 2009
as many photos as you like and mine is latifolia? not vernus, but perenial. :o)
got two hemerocallis [2litre pots 4 stems in each], gentle shepard and artic snow, corydalis solida and a slightly larger bluer one [cant remember its name without looking], 2 pots of snowflakes, 2 gaillardia burgundy and 2 heuchera sanginea. they have joined the pots on the path waiting there planting place.
30 Mar, 2009
Ha! A fellow plantaholic! Well done. :-)
30 Mar, 2009
it could be worse as i could buy shoes too!
30 Mar, 2009
Not now I'm retired, Sbg - plants come before clothes, shoes, food, chocolate, anything! LOL.
Luckily, my husband is sympathetic although bemused...
31 Mar, 2009
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I think its lathyrus vernus.
27 Mar, 2009