my late incurves fairwether after a week indoors cut andin the house are droping black pelets ?
By Alan_daykin
United Kingdom
my late incurves fairwether after a week indoors cut and
in the house are droping black pellets ?
what is it
the pellets are slightley larger than mouse droppings.
28 Nov, 2011
Please let us in on the secret MG! Sounds nasty.
28 Nov, 2011
Just like Mg, I had to go to google for this! 'Black pellets' sound suspiciously like the droppings of some sort of bug. You sound like an experienced chrysanthemum grower, Alan, is this possible?
28 Nov, 2011
Sounds as though they might be caterpillar droppings but its a funny time of year for caterpillars isn't it?
28 Nov, 2011
I would say it is earwigs, they love Chrysanthemum blooms.
28 Nov, 2011
Just about the only insect I mislike are earwigs!
28 Nov, 2011
thanks for the answers all I have inspected the blooms
but cant see any insects
moon glow by arty shaw my favorate dancs tune
29 Nov, 2011
i'd go for one of the caterpillars living inside a petal, they are masters of disguise. the description is spot on for these little critters.
29 Nov, 2011
Makes sense SBG, possibly woke up because it is warmer in the house?
29 Nov, 2011
To see if you have earwigs on the rest of your Chrysanthemums, set traps. Take a small flower pot, put a small amount of straw or hay inside, if these are not available use 1 or 2 pieces of kitchen tissue. Place the pots on the tops of your canes. Inspect early in the morning.
29 Nov, 2011
Um Dr Bob these are cut flowers in the house!
29 Nov, 2011
Um yes MG, I said check the rest of your Chrysanthemums, anticipating more to be cut and taken indoors, avoiding taking any more uninvited guests in.
30 Nov, 2011
So you did - sorry Dr B.
30 Nov, 2011
That's absolutely fine Carol, thank you.
30 Nov, 2011
Hi Alan and welcome to GoY. Thank goodness for Google I now know you are referring to a particular type of Chrysanthemum how big are the black pellets?
28 Nov, 2011