By Portobello
United Kingdom
Hi All , Just a reminder that I am really new to all this so very sorry if this question is very basic. Is it possible to take cuttings from an exsisting Holly bush ? Many thanks in advance.
29 Nov, 2011
I planted a couple of Holly cuttings about 3 months ago. They haven't rooted at all yet but are as green and healthy as they were when I took the cuttings, so I've left them to see what happens. Will let you know.
30 Nov, 2011
Dgw and Myron will it be OK to put them in pots ? I am moving house and leaving my lovely Holly behind (so sad about it) Should I use a particular compost or maybe try and use some of the soil from round the exsisting bush ?
30 Nov, 2011
use fresh compost so it is disease free. put several cuttings around the edge of the pot. I tend to do 5-6 cuttings in a 3" pot. I also put some grit in the compost to aid drainage too.
30 Nov, 2011
It's certainly possible to take holly cuttings but I've never had any success with them and I'm a nurseryman! They can stay looking green and perfect for nearly a year and still have no roots.
You may have more success if you try layering a branch.
Here's how to do it
The above link specifically mentions that holly's respond well to air layering.
30 Nov, 2011
have you any berries on the holly, mine seem occasionally to self seed, they need to be started in a pot and in a sheltered spot outside to have a period of cold ( or in a fridge) then hope... what you'll get may not be exactly like your holly --but related!
1 Dec, 2011
Many Thanks Pamg - will try everything ! I do have berries at the moment so should i just put a few of them in soil in a pot and keep them somewhere cold ? Should I split the berries or keep them whole ? Hopefully you will be able to help a great deal as I've just read your profile and I'm so excited about moving to my new house mostly because I'd like to start a small orchard !
1 Dec, 2011
what I do with seeds that need a cold snap is to put them as you say in a pot, I'd plant some as they are and split some and there should be seed inside( try both ways-- why not?)then I put a bit of netting over to stop rodents and leave in a cold greenhouse, if not available somewhere cold but not where the pot will be waterlogged, need light in the spring though
then wait and see-- have a look on 'google' and it'll probably explain more technically. I did this with cordyline and Canna seeds-- even a witchhazel--really suprised myself when they germinated after such a cold winter, you lose nothing having a go !! Hope it help--good luck!
1 Dec, 2011
Depends on what you have to start with. Germinating from seed may not produce a plant the same as the one you are leaving. Go with cuttings, to produce a twin. Seeds may revert to the original graft/type, ie wild natural holly. Same goes for any of the fruit trees - any seed, as my children found out, does not produce a tree of the same fruit, but cuttings will.
1 Dec, 2011
Thankyou Everyone I am amazed at all your knowledge. I am so excited at moving - more for the garden than the house (how sad ?) As I've never grown a plant in my life before I'll be on here asking lots of questions - the garden will be a challenge but I am feeling more positive now knowing you are all here to help !
2 Dec, 2011
I'm glad that you found the site informative, and I'm sure that all the members will look forward to seeing you on GoY soon. Why not do a complete profile, perhaps add some pictures and maybe write a blog or two in time to come and become part of the GoY community? It always helps when members have a little information about someone to relate to :o)
2 Dec, 2011
If you want a clone of your holly ( as you do) then cuttings is the only way but not all cuttings will take as not all seeds will what I'm suggesting is sort of 'belt and braces' also seeds are fascinating no you won't get 'mum' but just think what you could get.... either a gorgeous cousin or 'grumpy uncle'!! whichever they are all slow growing when young.... have fun
2 Dec, 2011
Pamg what a lovely way to look at it - I will try everything . And Myron ........... I will update my profile and try and add photos etc - if you think I am a rookie at gardening my computer skills leave a LOT to be desired !! Fortunately I AM good at other things though.
2 Dec, 2011
You can try cuttings from them now ,just select 6-8 inch cuttings preferably from this years growth and put them two thirds into the ground .It may be well into next year before they root well enough to transplant.
30 Nov, 2011