By Terrigreen
United Kingdom
My daughter has moved home where there are two ponds which are lined with a swimming pool type plastic. They were not previously used for fish but for water plants. As she has two young children I emptied the water and plants in the ponds and filled them up with top soil. However, I hadn't filled it to the top and when it rains the ponds refill! Should the ponds have been drilled with holes before putting in the top soil, to let the water drain through? Or, does anyone have any other ideas without drilling? Thanks.
2 Dec, 2011
I think that from what you said this would be unacceptable for just about any form of plant life to survive in. A waterlogged garden is not a good idea for anything exept certain water loving plants. The bottom of the pool needs to be broken up to allow free draining of the water. You mentioned that you haven't filled it with soil to the top? Maybe it won't be a huge job to take out most of the soil and remove the liner? What are the dimentions of this pool?
2 Dec, 2011
If you cannot remove the lining then you might as well reinstate the ponds as no plant is going to survive having drowned roots. As long as the children are looked after and told of the ponds danger then it is low risk that they will come to any harm with a pond.
3 Dec, 2011
Hello Terri, I think you should have removed the liner entirely. Even if you had pierced it many times it would still be a bog every time it rains. I would say the best thing to do is dig them out and remove the liner. Sorry..
2 Dec, 2011