By Pimpernel
United Kingdom
I have 3 edible honeysuckle or honeyberry plants, Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica. They will be in their third year in spring and not very big, probably due to being pot grown. They flower but so far no fruit has appeared, unless I am being beaten to them by the odd blackbird.
Has anyone tasted these berries and are they worth waiting for?
3 Dec, 2011
Is this anything like a chucklberry ? We have one of these dont know what its like though, as have not yet had chance to see it in flower or fruit, but have been told it is like a bluberry
3 Dec, 2011
Jenfren, as far as I've been able to tell, there's no such thing as a chuckleberry - you must be thinking of huckleberry
3 Dec, 2011
They do not self pollinate, That's why I have three of them. The flower is described as uninteresting, but I quite like it. Pictures of the fruits look like fabulous long Blueberries, they are known as "purple Cushions." I guess I will have to wait a little more and see.
That does not sound promising Bamboo, Re: the well defined Seasons...What ever will they make of this year ?
3 Dec, 2011
That's exactly what I thought when I read that... but I suspect we will yet get something much more defined before this winter's out, lol!
3 Dec, 2011
have googled it. Chuckleberry is Amelanchier canadensis. Canadian serviceberry or Juneberry, but i think chuckleberry is a more of a cool name !!!
3 Dec, 2011
I googled it too, but didn't come up with anything to do with plants! thanks for the info
4 Dec, 2011
sorry try Bing web search - was using google as a sort of generic term- they have info & picture
4 Dec, 2011
Google will always take the easy option but it is there. You have to be more specific running the search is all.
I googled "chuckleberry plant" and it gives results for Huckleberry plant, but under that it gives you the option to show only results for Chuckleberry. Click and it comes up, so why they don't just show you what you ask for first I don't know.
4 Dec, 2011
I did a search for a member the other day (trying to track down quickly a response instead of trawling through the questions) - it was Avkg47 - the search facility on here asked me, 'did you mean AK47' which I thought was hilarious - given there's no member with that name, unless GoY has taken up gun running, I cannot imagine why it asked me that...
5 Dec, 2011
Funnily enough Bamboo AVKG is also a piece of computer is a viral worm.
5 Dec, 2011
5 Dec, 2011
I've not tasted them - but reports about how they taste vary from insipid, to like a huckleberry (whatever that tastes like) to not very sweet, or like a less sweet blueberry. It also seems they like well defined seasons, you get better results if there's a bigger differential. I take it yours all flower at the same time? Apparently, some are early, some mid and some late, and obviously, there's a problem with pollination if you've got one of each.
3 Dec, 2011