By Gattina
I was thinking of planting bamboo at the top of our garden where it can be as invasive as it likes without causing problems. I would like it as a decorative, tall feature, to provide maybe a little privacy, add a little height and be a source of canes (they cost about €2 each for small ones here!) If it can look good, too, that would be a big bonus. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to suitable variety, please?
10 Dec, 2011
Thank you, Bamboo. Exactly the detailed sort of advice I was hoping for.
10 Dec, 2011
have you considerd just how far bamboo of lots of types actualy spread . especialy the yellow type youl need for canes . i have a friend who has a whole maze made of it and yet its still trying to grow into the carpark lol . i think its worth getting the membrane that stops it spreading . you can get it in a roll so you can haveas big an amount as you want . you could even draw out a hidden garden and put thew membrane in there to keep the seeting area bamboo free while it grows all round you . if you want to premote thicker canes you litteraly unless very young cut out all the canes that are to thin then the bigger ones grow quicker to . i also dress mine ie take any foliage of up to a desired hight . with all that space it would look lovley with a veriaty of bamboo as a good culm of yellow will give you lots of canes once it gets going . i have a thick black bamboo in front of a green veriaty and a yellow type like the one you want close . they look so nice in front or behind each other .just a thaught .
11 Dec, 2011
im so busy answering your question i didnt realise who i was talking to sorry . it was lovley chatting the other day . you surprised me lol . you sound realy nice to me . did you get my mnessage on here ? take care bye for now xx .
11 Dec, 2011
Yes, thank you, Nosey, I did! I know bamboo is supposed to be invasive, but I hadn't realised quite how fast it can spread until I just read your reply. Several neighbours have clumps of it on their land, so it obviously isn't difficult to grow, but the variety they have is rather tatty and very boring and I rather wanted something that was beautiful, instead. Maybe I should think very carefully before I go ahead. I really fancy the Phyllostachys nigra variety you have both mentioned, so maybe I should plant that and go begging for canes off the neighbours instead!
11 Dec, 2011
your welcome my friend . theres sights that just sell bamboo and theres some lovley sizes and colours aswell as clump formers and the ones that go everywear . you could litteraly run the membrane wear you want privacy about 1-2 feet across and thats wear the bamboo will grow . the maze was amazing excuse the punn .wear a lot of bamboo grows can get very cold so dont worry about that . the yellow one i have has already got good size canes on it and its only been there 2 summers . dressing it when its real chunky looks realy smart but obviously thats down to taste . i wish i had your land id collect bamboos lol but i am a nut as you already know lol . i only want small areas as my gardens to small so i cut the bottems out of them black strong nylon planters . bury them and then plant the bamboo within . works a treat x x x .
11 Dec, 2011
What a brilliant idea, Nosey! That way I could have several types without danger of them taking over the whole mountainside! :-))
11 Dec, 2011
sometimes its worth sitting back and thinking what your options are gattina . it will look stunning when its grown xxx .
11 Dec, 2011
and another bonus the strong interlocking root system will keep the mountain up wear it is so know mud slides etc lol . i hope your well take care bye for now xx .
13 Dec, 2011
You may have a very valid point there, Leigh. We do get a lot of landslides in our area, our garden included.
13 Dec, 2011
ow definatly thow i said it partly in jest . they get a lot of terrible mud slides wear they take the trees off of steep hills etc . it kills a lot of people in the world . if yopu can plant your hills up that just cant happen anywear near so easily x x .id be inclined once you have bamboo to start adding ground covering plants etc as they eventualy will all mesh into each other like a huge hair net .
13 Dec, 2011
Previous question
If you specifically want to use the canes, then probably Phyllostachys varieties are good, except for P. nigra ones (these have very slender canes). Phyllostachys edulis (giant bamboo) has very thick canes, probably more suitable for scaffold poles!
Otherwise, Chimonobambusa quadrangularis gives stout canes. All bamboos, though, like a lot of water, particularly in their first 2 years, and appreciate the ground being enriched with plenty of humus rich material prior to planting.
10 Dec, 2011