By Claraedwards
United Kingdom
must I water my pot plants in the garden
10 Dec, 2011
I never water any of my pots outside in the winter and they're on a south-facing patio and they always do OK
10 Dec, 2011
Well, Sheilar, it rather depends what part of the country you're in too - I was out on my balcony watering the rosemary only yesterday...
10 Dec, 2011
Yeah Bamboo, I suppose it does, I live on the north east coast
10 Dec, 2011
I never need to water my pots or baskets all winter as I find the rain or snow is enough. Even this year I have found they are damp enough.
10 Dec, 2011
The problem with the rosemary is, its in a smallish pot and is quite bushy - so it dries out, specially being an evergreen. And thinking about it, I had to water the Veronica blue spires that I'm sheltering from the weather as well, and that's in a much bigger pot... But everything else hasn't needed it.
10 Dec, 2011
Erm, I take it you mean throughout the winter, because obviously, during spring and summer and early autumn, the answer is absolutely yes.
Rather depends where the pots are and what's in them whether they need watering or not - my smaller pots with bushy plants on the south facing balcony do occasionally need watering when its been quite sunny. Larger pots in shadier areas, particularly where the compost is exposed in parts, tend not to. In theory, the answer is no, but it does vary on the weather conditions and, as I say, where the pots are. If you have shrubs in pots, best to check periodically to make sure they haven't dried out.
10 Dec, 2011