By Roberthornby
United Kingdom
I am planning to plant some Osmanthus in a suitable corner partly to obscure an ugly building nearby. The height is acceptable but can anyone tell me how long a particular variety might take to reach 2.5m from a 3ltr plant? Many thanks
15 Dec, 2011
Hi Robert and welcome to GoY, which particular Osmanthus are you asking about? There are around 30 different species which grow at different rates. Kildermorie's info is good for O. Burkwoodii others are faster or slower growing.
15 Dec, 2011
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They are slow growers. Ones planted near my house were planted about 5 years ago and have grown to about 60cm from a 3ltr pot. 2.5 metres would be 10-15 years going by that - they seem to bush out more than height wise. That is on clay soil - loamy soil must be quicker, say 10 years to 2.5 metres as a guess?
15 Dec, 2011