By Hank
United Kingdom
I've been in california for 2 wks and can't get enough persimmons. In one I found a "pip" which I gather is very unusual. Might it grow in the Manchester area ? I gather it's a japanese variety, not an American one.
18 Dec, 2011
I don't think so either Hank...And even a slightly unripe persimmon is inedible..there are videos on youtube of people daring to eat them...then inevitably throwing up.
18 Dec, 2011
Sharon fruit is delicious - mix of honey and mango flavour with the crunch of an apple! Also called Khaki. Can only suggest you guys have eaten unripe or poor quality varieties ... bit like trying to convince someone who has been given green/poor avocado that they are actually sweet and nutty ... they will never believe you!
18 Dec, 2011
Thanks guys. I now have 2more "pips"! They're about half inch diameter, oval, pointed at one end, dark brown and flat. I gather they come from over-ripejapanese fruits.
Maybe the ones with lots of seeds are from american persimmon whereasmine is japanese.
I'm still going to set 'em when I get home and have info on the preparation for this.
18 Dec, 2011
I am sure you are right, Hank. Completely different fruits. The ones I have eaten, Avkq, have to be ripe to the point of collapse, eaten with a spoon and certainly do not have ANY sort of crunch, and they were first quality fruit. Cachi, Khaki, whatever the spelling, are not something I would willingly bother with ever again.
18 Dec, 2011
When I find the good ones - Israeli first crop is good, after that they get smaller and harder - I eat like an apple, with a towel or kitchen roll to mop up the juices! Like eating mango in the bath - heaven!!
Israeli winters can be quite hard, Hank, but I would check out their optimum growth temperatures and humidity levels for the summer, which may well be quite different to here. I also believe it can be many years before they flower and fruit. Best of luck!
19 Dec, 2011
I rather doubt they'll grow in the UK, Hank - not hot enough in summertime. It won't be the cold winters - we get every bit as cold here, usually for a lot longer and often a lot worse. As I look out of my window here, our neighbours' tree is covered with them (they call them "Cachi" here) and it looks amazing - dozens of orange fruit on a bare tree: he doesn't bother to harvest them. Some people love them, but I can't see why - they are tasteless and have a horrid texture once they are ripe. Maybe there are lots of different types, and I've just happened on bad ones.
I am confused by your talking of a "pip". Ours have lots of seeds inside the orange flesh.
Anyway - why not try? You have nothing to lose. If you have a green house to start it in, you could have a nice surprise. I'll be really interested to hear how you get on.
18 Dec, 2011