By Karensusan63
Pomegranate tree...I saw one for sale online this morning and was tempted. In the care instructions it said they like being in a warm conservatory and having lots of sunshine. The flowers are stunning..flame red..Has anyone tried a pomegranate in their conservatory please? Ta! p.s. I did see one growing and fruiting in Chelsea Physic garden..WOW!
19 Dec, 2011
We have a large punica in my home town of Lewes, East Sussex. It must easily reach 14 feet high and has huge semi double red flowers. the tree has been there years. I've grown the ordinary P. granatum outside for many years...they drop their leaves and then shoots again in spring.
Im sure it will love a warm conservatory Angus...go for it and good luck.
19 Dec, 2011
Thanks Pimpernel. The one on offer on plants4presents doesn't have a latin name, but it has lovely double red flowers that look like a red double paeony. The hardy one you suggest would survive here but I thought it would be nice in the conservatory..on the other is deciduous, so maybe better outdoors...I'm not keen on a lot of mess in the house.
Andy, thank you very much! I will wait until I get back from my holiday and then see if I still fancy it! :)
19 Dec, 2011
Do you mean like this KS
19 Dec, 2011
Well, that's not where I saw it, but yes, that looks like the same flower...thank you, now I know the latin name! The site I saw it on is .... a bit cheaper.
19 Dec, 2011
I have grown from a pomegranate a shrub,of which I saved a seed/pip.It has never flowered or fruited , but is healthy looking in a pot on my patio [ IN THE SUMMER TIME ] I put it in the greenhouse over the Winter , and it sheds its leaves , but seems to come to life again the next year.
Pomegranates are my favourite fruit..........if only it would develope more for it to fruit.
19 Dec, 2011
We had a large Pomegranate shrub growing in our Spanish garden Karen, it was a beauty, with those waxy red blossoms vivd in Spring and then the fruits later. It was Northern Spain, with quite cold winters, sometimes snow and the position of the Pomegranate was north facing. However, the roots were planted against a terrace wall and quite sheltered. In the spring we would have vicious mistral winds blowing through, and the shrub still survived well. I'm sure the main factor for it's well being was the amount of light and of course sun in the growing season.....I dont ever remember watering it. I'm sure if you can keep it cold and dry in winter and then place it in the sunniest spot in your conservatory, it should do well, they are tough cookies in their own environment.
19 Dec, 2011
Ooh, that's encouraging Janey and Pammie. They do say that they need lots of sunshine...wouldn't have got much this summer here! Lets hope 2012 is a little less soggy!
20 Dec, 2011
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I think there is a non edible one that is supposed to be frost hardy to -10 ....
got it Punica Granantum Nana
19 Dec, 2011