By 26ftboat
United Kingdom
We have a two year old Avocado plant grown from a pit. It is kept indoors and is now about 12" tall but appears to have stopped growing. It is regularly watered but the ends of the leaves are turning brown and starting to curl up, the leaves have turned a light green colour. Does the plant need fertilizer or the soil changing|?
Thanks for your help Moon grower
20 Dec, 2011
Hello MG I found the link most useful, glad 26ftboat asked this question :o))
20 Dec, 2011
Know nothing about growing these delicious fruits ... in addition to MGs advice above, check out for nutritional and other diseases, which may explain your leaf discoloration.
20 Dec, 2011
Any good houseplant food would help, too. They aren't big feeders, but any plant can eventually starve to death in a pot.
20 Dec, 2011
Thank you everone
21 Dec, 2011
Possibly needs repotting in fresh compost... Though these exotics tend not to fruit. Copy and paste the link below into your web browser for lots of info
20 Dec, 2011