camomile tea
By Poddy
United States
I understand you can use camomile tea to prevent damp off. I have bought some from the supermarket this morning. I understand misting seedlings with it can help prevent damp off in seedlings. Any information re make up and use would be most helpful.
2 Apr, 2009
I suspect that the packeted camomile tea bags will not have the same effect as creating an infusion from leaves cut rom a chamomile plant!
Found this on ghorganics:-
1. Chamomile Spray: Chamomile tea is an excellent preventative for damping-off. Use on seed starting soil, seedlings and in any humid planting area. Chamomile is a concentrated source of calcium, potash and sulfur. The sulfur is a fungus fighter. This can also be used as a seed soak prior to planting.
To make: Pour 2 cups boiling water over 1/4 cup chamomile blossoms. Let steep until cool and strain into a spray bottle. Use as needed. This keeps for about a week before going rancid. Spray to prevent damping off and anytime you see any fuzzy white growth on the soil. Chamomile blossoms can be purchased at health food stores and usually grocery stores.
2 Apr, 2009
When I've used it for damping off I've just made a pot of tea with the tea bags. Let it cool with the bags in the water. Remove the bags and pour the tea into a spray bottle. Use as Moon grower describes above. It works as far as I can tell. I haven't had any damping off and if you catch the white fuzzy mould on the soil early enough the tea will kill it off.
As Moon Grower says, the tea will go "rancid" in about a week. The smell of it changes so you can tell if it's gone off.
3 Apr, 2009
Thanks Moon grower and Gilli, I've written down your notes if I ever get this!
3 Apr, 2009
To add to Craftnutter's comment the James Wong book is available through The Book People - got the marketing email only last week.
17 Apr, 2009
Thanks Hazeyboo. I'll check it out.
Craftnutter.....Are you prone to bouts of damping off? You should see a doctor!!! LOL LOL
18 Apr, 2009
James Wong's book "Grow your own drugs" has several uses for it. (it's so popular, it's now out of print!) To quote: Known more as a pleasant tasting tea than as a medicine, chamomile can be effective in health problems as diverse as indigestion, colic, inflamed skin, anxiety and poor sleep. It can be made into a cream for wounds, skin irritations, sore eyes, nappy rash and to soothe sore nipples when breastfeeding.
One easy use is to use chamomile tea as a final rinse to lighten blonde hair.
You could try typing the name in google or as a question in ask. com and see what comes up. Happy looking!
2 Apr, 2009