will my cordylines get new shoots if so when
By Dee123
United Kingdom
my 2 cordylines seem to be very poor they are 7ft tall planted them last year they were great buy now they only have a few leaves left please help
2 Apr, 2009
This time of year, when the garden is reawakening after the winter can be a nervous time for all gardeners who go out to check on old friends returning.
Some plants (like some Penstemons) give up all too easily for me but Cordylines are surprisingly resilient so it's likely you just need to be more patient. Tear off one or two of the lowest branches with a sharp downward pull and check the 'tear line' on the stem which should be nice and firm on a healthy plant.
What's the top of your stem like? Is it firm or brown and squidgy and rotting? Remove any squidgy bits until you reach firm green stem. Cordylines will sprout back and will often send out new stems from the base of old ones - provided any rotten material is not allowed to contaminate the good part.
Stand back and see what you're left with then ask yourself if you think your plant will improve this summer or has it deteriorated so far that it's not worth keeping.
3 Apr, 2009