By Sunshines
United Kingdom
hi sorry cant remember the name of this plant ,but will it need prtecting it over winter,will i need to tie the leafs up . or wrap it in bubble wrap. kind regards

25 Dec, 2011
thanks popedot
25 Dec, 2011
Your welcome.
25 Dec, 2011
If you havent a greenhouse and even this time last year with minus 5 and minus 10 was no use at all as I found out.
Put next to the house wall out of the wind , I would fleece first then bubble wrap if you do just bubble wrap the plant will sweat and you will mark all the leaves dont forget to do the pot at the same time.
Remove the oak ? leaves you dont want anything to rot in the crown as you will effect the new leaves in the spring , if we have a bad winter you will have to bring indoors otherwise it will die or be badly damaged
On sunny days if you have time take it off during the day let it have a bit of fresh air then put back on , try and keep the compost on the dryside this helps too , it looks a nice healthy plant, I would do ASAP
25 Dec, 2011
thanks gnarly gnome
26 Dec, 2011
For the label: Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis)
Wish I could help more, but they don't need protecting where I live--in fact, they grow 20 meters tall here! I second Gnarly_gnome's advice to give it a thorough clean up before putting it to bed for the winter. I would also cut off 1/3 of the oldest leaves, to make it easier to tie up and wrap. Don't forget to wrap the pot in bubble wrap, too.
27 Dec, 2011
Hi sunshines, I have this plant I think it's called a phoenix palm. My plant was originally planted in the ground but after the bad weather last/ and the beginning of this year I've had to dig it up and put it in a pot and move it to the green house for the winter as it was damaged really badly after the snow we had. I wouldn't know about wrapping it as i've never done that before, will be interesting to see what other members advise.
25 Dec, 2011