By Arwadoo
Jammu& Kashmir,
I have a collection of Brassicas, Edible leaf vegies varieties.All are under the group Brassica oleracea, I have the local var. names could any one help to identify the varaties. The young leaves are harvested regularly and cooked. The cooked leaves are delecious. photos of 3 varieties loaded rest will be loaded next

24 Dec, 2011
Pleasure to meet again Tugbrethil. Merry Christmas to u, ur family and all the members of GOY.
Will send the photos of established leaf yielding plants of the group for var. naming
25 Dec, 2011
Thanks, Arwadoo! I would have wished you a Merry Christmas, too, but I didn't know your beliefs, and people nowadays are so touchy. I do hope that you have a Happy and blessed New Year!
Well, like I said, exact variety names may be impossible, even with mature plants. There are dozens of varieties of each type of Brassica, and often there are no visible differences between varieties. The differences, if any, lie in the rate of growth, disease resistance, temperature preferences, etc. Someone who has grown many different varieties in your climate may be able to help you there--more by their behavior over time and weather--but us Brits, Aussies, Canucks, Americans, and whatnot are likely to be at a loss.
27 Dec, 2011
What's a Canuck Tugbrethil? Never heard of that one before.
27 Dec, 2011
Hmm...I may be spelling it's a slang term for Canadian, but now that I think of it, the folks in Canada may not like it much! : [ (Chagrin & embarassment!) Sorry, no denigration intended!
27 Dec, 2011
Spelling is spot on Tug and no denigration at all. Speaking as a very proud 'Canuck'. :)
27 Dec, 2011
Whew!! Thanks, Lil! : )
27 Dec, 2011
Welcome back, Arwadoo!
The first ones look like Chinese Broccoli, aka Kai-Lan.
The second group is young enough to be hard to tell. In order of decreasing probability: Cabbage, Cauliflower, or Kohlrabi.
The third picture is definitely Kale.
Sadly, exact variety names may be impossible to tell.
24 Dec, 2011