seed potatoes
By Maccrimmon
I was bletherin to a fellow gardener the other day about seed potatoes , and although I was aware it could be done I was looking to get some opinions on the practice . .. . chittting potatoes then making sure an eye is on top and bottom and then half the potatoes before planting thus getting the same crop from half the number of seed potatoes . .. . .any thought regards the pro's and con's of this practice. . . . . . . . .. . . . .typical scotsman hee hee
4 Apr, 2009
Sorry Mac,
Forgot to say dust the cuts with sulphur on the ones you plant.
4 Apr, 2009
sounds good for next year , there all in for this year Doc , sulpher protects against infections for the potatoes I am presuming , it will allow me next year to buy smaller quantities of lots of different types for the same £££££ssss
cheers Mac
4 Apr, 2009
Yes your'e right about the sulphur.
To store new potatoes, say in June or July when your first earlies are ready, put some in an old biscuit tin on newspaper and bury them back in the ground and they are as good as when you first dug them in October, it keeps the flavour which is what you are after. I'm all for saving the £££££s. and the pennies.
4 Apr, 2009
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beetham »
Yes Mac this is a great idea, we did it often especially when there was a shortage of seed potatoes, my mother used a quarter one side a quarter the other side and ate the other half. And yes we've got Scottish blood as well.
4 Apr, 2009