East Sussex,
United Kingdom
We are looking to plant our christmas tree outside when the festivities end - could anyone give advice as to where best to plant the tree and its prefered soil type?
28 Dec, 2011
You might also consider what species the tree is. There isn't much practical difference in the exposure and soil needs of the most common spruces, firs, and pines used that way, but there is one subtropical plant--Norfolk Island "Pine" (Araucaria heterophylla)--which will need to stay indoors in all but the very mildest parts of the UK.
28 Dec, 2011
Don't think Araucaria heterophylla is ever used as a Christmas tree in the UK TugB.
29 Dec, 2011
I would think again as it might turn out to be a beast and come back to haunt you. If it is a pot grown tree, then it may survive its treatment indoors. If you want to use it next year, then why not pot it on and sink it in the garden and then dig it up and bring it in next year? I believe that you can buy a plastic pot which will let only the small fiberous roots through so it will be just the pot to use for this purpose.
29 Dec, 2011
I would just keep it in a tub for a few years...then get rid of it. They are not garden specimens..far too big. I don't think it needs the care jimmy suggests unless you were planning to keep it long term. Far better as mulch.
29 Dec, 2011
Wow, thanks for all the advice. It is a pot grown tree so I think we will attempt to sink the pot into a larger planter and see if we can keep it alive for at least another years decorating!
30 Dec, 2011
Good to know, MG!
30 Dec, 2011
It rather depends on whether your tree is a container grown one, or has been dug up - if the latter, it's doubtful if it will survive very long planted out, as the roots will have been damaged.
If it's a container grown tree, leave it in its container, in a sheltered spot where it can acclimatise itself before being plunged into the cold ground. Don’t forget this tree has been used to the warm for nearly two weeks and is going to get quite a shock when moved outside!
Given the height a Christmas Tree will grow to, it is not advisable to plant one in a small garden. In the larger garden it is still advisable to plant a Christmas Tree at least 6m or 20′ (approximately) from the house or any other structures like greenhouses and sheds in case the mature tree eventually become unstable and fall it will not damage these structures.
Any reasonable soil will be fine. Good luck!
28 Dec, 2011