By 101humvee
United Kingdom
why do companies insist on introducing" new climbing fuchsias" (eg lady boothby,not new,first introduced 1939)they do not climb,just grow tall and need to be kept tied in throughout the growing season.this has to be done every year as they all die back to ground level during the winter months and regrow from fresh new growth come sprigtime. from a professional fuchsia grower
29 Dec, 2011
This is one of my pet hates too!
Mis-describing plants annoys me - check the links below from one seller on fleabay. What appears to be a common enough Brugmansia (arborea?) is rare........
In fact most plant seeds are described as rare - Fuchsia boliviana, not common, but far from rare.............
Or how about Schizanthus, which is described as an orchid unless you read the whole thing......
Makes my blood boil!!!
30 Dec, 2011
What annoys me is when plants are labelled "cactus" and they are not cacti at all. They may be succulent but all succulent plants are not cacti !
I've got a Lady Boothby but it doesn't die back to the ground in winter. I cut it back to about 2 feet in the spring. It's in a sheltered place. I agree it does not climb. I tie it on to bean sticks :o)
30 Dec, 2011
I find all the hype from the big sellers-by-post irritating, yet it raises a wry smile. Ordinary Hydrangeas, Fuchsias, and other perennials are described as "rare", "choice", "new introduction" (= straggly old one found behind the greenhouse) and with other misleading adjectives. Once you know, it makes you disbelive every word in their catalogues. The first one arrived here today, but it's still on the doormat. It may well go straight into the recycling without being opened - I've had too many disappointments by post in the last few years.
30 Dec, 2011
Previous question
« These must be New Year cactus rather than Christmas cactus!!
It is all about advertising hype 101. It pays to read about proposed purchases on sites other than that used by the seller. Welcome to GOY and I hope you will make a great contribution to our knowledge and understanding of fuchsias. Hywel another member has already aroused an interest through his own passion for fuchsias. I dk how far you have explored the site so far but to access what there is about fuchsias, click on F in the A-Z at the foot of the page and then on fuchsias, to see the interest in them amongst members.
30 Dec, 2011