By Kansasgirl
United States
How to care for a Tacca chantrieri(Bat Plant)??
On plant
Tacca chantrieri
31 Dec, 2011
what feed do you give your plant
7 Jun, 2012
Nothing posher than Chempax no.3.
7 Jun, 2012
A free draining compost with added grit.
In cool weather give it very little water. When it starts to warm up gradually increase the amount of water until you see signs of growth, at which point give it a feed too. It appreciates high levels of humidity, so give it a fine misting morning and night and stand it on a saucer of pebbles with water almost up to the bottom of the pot. One tip that I picked up was to ensure that the leaf axils get filled with water at least once a day during the heat of summer - it may or may not be a fallacy, but I got two flower spikes on mine this year.
As the days draw in reduce watering again as the plant heads towards winter dormancy.
Re-pot with fresh compost and grit in the spring.
Being a moisture loving plant, keep an eye out for any sign of mildew and treat rapidly.
31 Dec, 2011