By Digginfit
Hello everybody. My unheated greenhouse is currently insulated with Bubble wrap. It is an octagonal greenhouse and each piece is cut to the size of each window and thumb tacked onto the wood, rather like double glazing. Can I use the same bubble wrap as greenhouse shading in the summer? It would save me a lot of hassle if I could! (I know I would need to remove it when I start planting seeds in the spring and then re-do it later).
7 Jan, 2012
I personally would use a shade paint in the summer time..
7 Jan, 2012
Thanks Derekm and Surreylad. I suppose my gut feeling was that it wouldn't work, but...
Bang goes that idea then!
8 Jan, 2012
Just an idea .. Paint outside your applied bubble wrap white to reflect heat, then in the winter paint it over black again to absorb heat, etc etc ... it may work?!!
10 Jan, 2012
Thanks for the idea Avkq47. I think I have made my mind up to make my own purpose built shades. I'm pretty nifty with the old sewing machine, and I think I've worked out to do it. But, if all else fails, shade paint it will have to be - even though I hate the stuff!!
11 Jan, 2012
I don,t know about Belgium, but the bubble wrap used in the uk is clear, so would be no use at all for shade, it would just make the greenhouse hotter, which is what it is supposed to do
7 Jan, 2012