By Avkq47
United Kingdom
Not a question ... weeding under an autumnalis (spelling?) yesterday morning wondered what all the buzzing was about - the tree was full of honey bees! This year's weather is doing my head in!!
11 Jan, 2012
Umm...autumnalis what, Avkq47?
11 Jan, 2012
Not likely to be Honey bees, more likely Mining bees. They operate at much lower temperatures than other bees.
12 Jan, 2012
Prunus subhirtella autumnalis - flowers november to february. Very pretty small tree for winter colour.
I know little if anything about bees, so may well be mining type, rather than honey bees, though they did look like honey bees from google pictures!! Bee keepers say that temperatures about 50-60F will also bring out honey bees to forage for nectar, and if temp drops they will return to hibernate in their nests.
It is all very interesting.
12 Jan, 2012
Goodness, did you call the local beekeepers association so they could catch the swarm?
11 Jan, 2012