How can I rescue my sickly camellia
By Liz757
United Kingdom
My camellia looked as though it was going to be beautiful, but since the buds have formed they have gone brown on the outside and some have dropped off. There is no visible sign of disease on the buds or leaves. Help, please!!!!!
On plant

6 Apr, 2009
I agree with Rydeboys above, it does sound like wind/frost damage.
Although the plants themselves are very tough plants the flowers are another matter. If you can, try to move it to another position, preferably where it doesn't get the morning sun, so that frozen flowers have a little longer to thaw before they get too warm.
Failing that some horticultural fleece is probably your only hope of protecting them unless, of course, it is possible to make a windbreak of some kind.
6 Apr, 2009
I have owned my Camelia now for 7 years. It has been grown in a pot, and only repotted twice in that time. Position is important to the plant - they don't like direct sunlight particulary or being in a windy position. If the buds are wet when they start to open, the sun will 'scorch' them. Also, ensure you are feeding your plant with Camelia/Azelea food.
6 Apr, 2009
I have now moved the camellia, but when i dug it out I found that the roots and soil were very dry. It has now had a good watering! I will feed it with the appropriate food as advised and lets hope it likes its new position and will recover. Thanks for all the advice. Liz
8 Apr, 2009
Camellias need plenty of water during the spring and summer months as they form the flowers for next year, also i agree with the other comments the frost and wind and rain does not help, they also need shelter away from the east winds and dont like the sun on them first thing in the morning during frosty weather. good luck as they are a lovely shrub.
8 Apr, 2009
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It sounds like frost damage. Wind and rain will also cause damage to the flowers.
Putting fleece over them during cold nights will protect them a little but once the buds have turned brown that's usually the end of the flowers until next year.
6 Apr, 2009