By Ojibway93
United Kingdom
I have acquired a small wooden empty cable reel/spool measuring 2ft in diameter by 18ins high. I have a couple of ideas for it but would like to tap into the mighty imaginations of GoYers for creative suggestions for using it in the garden. Any plant-based ideas?
17 Jan, 2012
I once used one in my woodland garden, i stained it in dark oak fence paint then scuffed it a little to give it a weathered look then i hung it on an old rusted chain from one of the birch trees like a mobile it worked well in the dappled shade of the tree, you could fix it to a wall/shed grow some ivy round it or any other climber, hows about nestling it amongst a flower bed or in the herbacious border, but paint it in dark oak for good effect against the green foliage and flowers that will waft around it, you could paint a quirky clock face on it or the sun or a lovely half moon then position amongst some large grasses etc so that it gives interest from different angles in the garden.
17 Jan, 2012
Sorry Ojib...all I can think of today is 'orchids' lol...I can just see your empty reel here planted up with beautiful orchids! No use to you am I? lol x
17 Jan, 2012
Thank you so much, B and J - these are great ideas, giving me lots to think about. K - I would love to grow orchids, but..... thanks for the mental image :o)
17 Jan, 2012
Could it be planted up with 'sedums' Oji.? I was thinking of the type you buy on a roll (for roofs) and it could then become a talking piece in a corner of the garden.
17 Jan, 2012
could you fit some 'slats' in it to make a mini water wheel and hang it so that the rain water makes it turn?
18 Jan, 2012
Thankyou very much GM and KS - more lovely ideas. I'm spoiled for choice now! But a nice project to think about until the garden gets going again.
18 Jan, 2012
And a before and after blog I am still thinking
18 Jan, 2012
Bird or wildlife feeding station? pot of water in the hole, wheels underneath so it can be moved and cup hooks around it to hold the feeders/fat balls, and food also on the top. With a pole through it to hang feeders at a higher level.
18 Jan, 2012
Only if I do a good job on it, Scotkat!
Thanks Drc, that is yet another good idea, which would be good because I'm running out of places for feeders.
Plenty of food for thought here. Thanks, all. Isn't this a great site?
18 Jan, 2012
I hope we get to see what you end up doing with it Ojibway?
18 Jan, 2012
IF I do a good job on it - once I've decided what to do (and that's getting harder by the hour!) I will blog it.......... So, maybe.
18 Jan, 2012
Previous question
« My Rosa Rugosa didn`t flower last summer. Should I prune it now ?
The reel will be made of a cheap, soft timber so will benefit from being treated to stop it rotting.
Do you have a water feature, Ojibway? How about a simulated water wheel. A patio table is probably a bit obvious so you could fix it to a wall and remove some of the center of the drum to make a holer for a pot(s) of plants.
Next GoYer, please!
17 Jan, 2012