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Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

thanks BAMBOO for all the advice about the Nelly Moser clematis, much appreciated.



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19 Jan, 2012


thanks Bamboo for all your helpful advice about Nelly Moser clematis, we will be putting it into practice this year.

20 Jan, 2012


thanks Alex, I hadnt realised I was doing the wrong thing!

20 Jan, 2012


Erm, I think Alex meant you should have added your thanks under your original question, Freeasabird, not under this separate entry! No matter, I've seen it anyway, but in future, add it beneath your original query, under all the other responses - that way, anyone who's answered will know you've posted something.

20 Jan, 2012


I did say under the original question.

Oh well.

20 Jan, 2012

How do I say thanks?

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